Mr. M. Abdul Qaium is a barrister of the Hon’ble Society of Grays Inn as well as an Advocate of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. Mr. Qaium, apart from his LLB, holds a specialised LL.M degree from Coventry University, England in International Business and Commercial Law . He also completed an Undergraduate Certificate Course in Globalisation from prestigious University of Oxford.
M. Abdul Qaium
Mr. Qaium has been practicing in the areas of constitutional law, Commercial Law, National and International Arbitration,Banking and Corporate Laws, International Sale of Goods. He also has expertise in anti-corruption commission laws including money laundering and other predicate offences and other complex areas of laws. Many of the notable complex cases he has worked in either independently or with his senior are now reported in different law journals. Mr. Qaium has been an associate of one of the best commercial law specialized chambers of the country i.e. law valley fora considerable time. Prior to his practice in Bangladesh, Mr. Qaium practiced in the area of human Rights and judicial review in England representing a great number of clients in different English courts.

He appeared in notable Public Interest Litigation concerning environment. Mr. Qaium taught British laws in different schools of laws in Bangladesh i. e London College of Legal Studies (LCLS) South. Mr Qaium has been a regular contributor in national widely circulated daily english news papers on constitutional issues. Some of the notable complex cases where Mr. Qaium appeared independently or assisted senior counsels are 1. Quamrul Hoque Siddique Vs. Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh reported in 70 DLR 656, (case involving allegations of millions of dollars of money laundering) 2. Dr Anwarul Basher Vs. Dr. M Wahiduzzaman, VC, Nuakhali University of Science and Technology reported in 71 DLR ……3. Bangladesh Bank Vs East West Properties Ltd and others reported in 69 DLR 294, GATCO corruption case (involving former Prime minister, 18 Houses Corruption case. (case involving number of former ministers of Bangladesh ).